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Year 7 Applications for secondary schooling in 2024

Important Information


The application process is online for 2024 appolications for Year 6 students  -   In Term 2 there will be further information for parents regarding the process.  


At the present time we are asking that parents update their record details by giving us their current email address.


 Guideline for Information for applications 

2023 TIMELINE  and information

  • Monday 1st May Enrolment Portal opens for applications.

  • Friday 26th May Last Day for parents to submit registration through online portal. 

  • between Wed 9th and Friday 11th August Enrolment offers to students

  • Friday 25th August Closing date - Request for Review of Application to Out of Zone School

  • Friday 15th September Review outcomes sent

  • Monday 16th October Waiting Lists activated by high schools (Term 4 Day 1)



  • Out of zone / district – If you Do Not Want your child to Attend the school that they have been allocated to. – see note attached.

    • Proof of Residence – if you have recently moved, or if you move after the enrolment process - you must provide proof of new residence, either a Utilities bill with your name and new address or

    • If you are the owner/occupier – a copy of the contract of sale for the property or a recent council rates notice, and a recent gas or electricity bill for that property.

  • If you are renting, a rental agreement and a bond receipt lodged with Consumer and Business Services showing the current place of residence – the rental must show it is for the first 12motnths the child will be attending the school and a recent gas or electricity bill for that property.

  • Separated / divorced parents – every effort must be made to have both parents sign the enrolment form unless there are custody papers in place to the contrary. You may choose which parents address you wish to have as the enrolling address. See Sue for further information.

  • Siblings – including step siblings - Are guaranteed placement at the same school. - See note attached.

    • Student ID – of sibling attending the high school must be copied and attached to the enrolment form.

  • Applications for a Non Government School – must be indicated on the portal application.  All students must have accessed the portal during this process.   A place will not be held in a Government School for them. See Linda if you have any questions. Ie if you have applied for a government school and still wish to have a place kept at a government school.

  • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Students – to take advantage of your right to attend any high school you wish - fill out the ENTER FOR SUCCESS section of the portal by ticking the Aboriginal or Torres Stratigh Islander tick box.  This will guarantee your acceptance at the school you choose.  No need to put multiple choices.

  • ACCEPTANCE PACKS - once these are received, please fillin forms and return to the high school as soon as possible.

  • Birth Certificate – Please include your child’s birth certificate as proof of name with the Enrolment form. All students will be enrolled at the high school by their Birth name unless legally changed. If your child has changed their surname, please include the change of name document.

  • Proof of Address –If you have changed your address, you must include proof of address with the Enrolment form. A copy of a Rate or Utility Bill with your name and address will be accepted.


If you have any questions, please  phone Linda 8264 3944 at the front office for information. 


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