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Christian Pastoral Support Worker

Cynthia Harbinson is our Pastoral Care Worker. 

The Pastoral Care Worker at Epps has a many faceted role.


Role Modelling & Mentoring by being a role model in the community and assisting students to develop supportive relationships with other students and adults.


Social & Emotional Support by providing a pastoral presence to nurture student and staff emotional wellbeing and assisting students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills that support learning, positive behaviour and constructive social relationships.

Spiritual Support by providing an enhanced dimension to the school’s care, guidance and support of students and staff spiritual wellbeing that respects diversity and facilitates their quest for meaning, purpose and hope.


School Engagement by providing social, emotional or spiritual support, especially for those at risk of disengaging, This can be done through personal support and/or group activities i.e. social skills and grief & loss programs.


Community Engagement by developing links between the school and its community, working with school based staff, community-based youth organisations, churches, agencies, services, and other networks.


Extra- Curricular Contribution by participating in and contributing to general school activities, i.e. camps, excursions, sports day, choirs and performance etc.


For ongoing Pastoral Care, a signed parental consent form is required. 

Please contact the school office on 82643944.


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