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The Arts - Music

Drama, Music 


Drama is the expression and exploration of personal, cultural and social worlds through role and situation that engages, entertains and challenges. Students create meaning as drama makers, performers and audiences as they enjoy and analyse their own and others’ stories and points of view. Students learn to think, move, speak and act with confidence. Students actively use body, gesture, movement, voice and language, taking on roles to explore and depict real and imagined worlds. They create, rehearse, perform and respond using the elements and conventions of drama and emerging and existing technologies available to them.


Music has the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich all students, exciting the imagination and encouraging students to reach their creative and expressive potential. Skills and techniques developed through participation in music learning allow students to manipulate, express and share sound as listeners, composers and performers.


Junior & Senior Choir
Cathie Barduca

Junior Choir - year 3-4 students. Songs are selected to help students understand the vocalization of pitch, tempo, dynamics, form and texture. Students also develop an understanding of choral conventions including canon, split parts and harmony.

Senior Choir - years 5-6 at East Para are involved in the Festival of Music, which culminates each year in a performance at the Festival Theatre.

Students who are not directly involved in the singing part of the Festival can still be involved by auditioning for the drama troupe, choral compere or program compere roles.

Another opportunity for involvement in the Schools' Festival of Music is as a member of the Orchestra. Instrumentalists have the opportunity to audition for a place in the orchestra. For more information contact the school office.


Coordinator: Sue Legierski                                          
                                                                             East Para Band

In 2006 the school took on the task of providing a quality instrumental music program to its student community. By 2010 we had over 60 students learning a musical instrument.

Instruments currently offered are:

  • Guitar

  • Drums

  • Bass Guitar

  • Vocals

  • Keyboard

Students who are achieving a high standard in their chosen instrument may be recommended by their instrumental teacher to audition for a position in the school band and/or as a front of curtain act at the school's Annual Concert. Each year the instrumental program students showcase what they have achieved at a music evening for their parents and friends in Term 4. For further information about starting an instrument please contact the school's front office or click on this link.   Application     Permission​


Other Ways Students Can Be Involved In The Arts Programs 
At East Para Primary

School Concert: Each year we have a series of concerts at the school with each class performing. Students are encouraged to audition for a front of curtain act. If successful these students perform on the small stage in front of the curtain while the next item is being prepared on the main stage.

Wakakirri/Schools Challenge Australia: A story/dance performance is another opportunity for students to be involved in music/drama.


Florey Music Award

Each year the Florey Music Award is given to a Year 6 student who has excelled in the field of music, has been involved in extra-curricular music activities within the school, supported others in music and modelled the school's RITCHR values.  It is awarded at the Year 6 graduation ceremony and announced at the end of year assembly.


For further information please do not hesitate to contact the school on 8264 3944 or



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