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Student Information

For up to date news on what is happening please go to newsletters web page - some featured featured links below
School Captains
Nunga Group - Celebrating Aboriginal Heritage
Sports Day
Senior choir
Junior Choir
Epps Instrumental Music - Band
Pedal Prix

To see whats happening in classes click the link below and it will take you to an issue of the school newsletter
Room 1 Auslan (Wednesday and Friday)
Room 3 The Arts
Room 12 Year 5/6
Room 16 Year 5/6
Room 17 Year 5/6
Room 20 Year 1/2
Room 21 Year 1/2
Room 23 Year Reception/1
Room 26 Reception/1
Room 32 Year 3/4
Room 33 Year 3/4
Room 34 Year 3/4

PE is featured in all newsletters

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